Investors searching for inventors program
Investors interested in investing in patents, ideas, inventions, initiatives, are invited to contact us, in order to reveal initiatives of inventors and ideas, most of which are at a stage that patent applications and designs have been submitted in the patent office and have conceptual planning of the invention, enabling to display to the investor 3D computerized concept planning of the invention or patent. company is a junction for making connections between inventors and investors and sometimes brings the two together when the investor is interested in proceeding.
Investors interested in enlisting to the investor database of are invited to contact us, if we find compatibility between the demand of the investor and the initiative, the investor will be contacted.
If you have questions regarding the investors searching for inventors program you may contact us at 03-9702339
Please send us the following details:
First name:
Last name:
Cellular Tel:
Field of initiative and sum of investment:
Please mention the type of initiative you would like to invest in and any other details you find important.